mesh network with a range of 1 km+
A proprietary mesh network based on the ESPNOW protocol allowing to connect more than 50 MicroAssistant devices (sensors, controls). Assuming a range of one device of about 20 meters, this gives the possibility to create a network of more than one kilometer long.

The ESP32 S3 on which the MicroAssistant server is based ensures high performance while maintaining efficient energy use averaging 1W.

ALL-IN-ONE solution
This solution is an ALL-IN-ONE system, meaning that immediately after software installation, it becomes a fully functional smart home system. The only remaining step is to add the actuating devices.

DATABASE And data charts
The software includes an integrated database that stores the state of all sensors, enabling their visualization through graphs.

EXtensive automations
The system allows for the creation of advanced automations based on time, data from connected devices, and external sources added via API (e.g., weather, sun position).

Control ZIGBEE and esphome devices
The system is open to DIY enthusiasts and supports the integration of any devices programmed in ESPHome. This allows users to add their own sensors or devices that are not natively supported by MicroAssistant.

It is possible to add weather and sun position integrations for the server’s location via online APIs.

MicroAssistant allows for the creation of a personalized dashboard that includes control elements, sensor readings, and graphs.

MicroAssistant features a built-in API that enables reading states and controlling any connected device through appropriate commands.

All communication within the mesh network is encrypted using an RSA256 key.

MicroAssistant software was designed with ease of use in mind, making the creation of automations, addition of devices, and other configuration options straightforward and trivial.

CAN OPERATE ONLY LOCALLY and as access point
MicroAssistant can operate fully locally within a home network without internet access. It also offers a limited mode of operation as an access point, making it suitable for environments where a router is not available.